What’s LifeTones?

The Light Within

Vide was born 3 months early. It was hard for his body; he was very small and got ill.

His mother asked: “Anna, can you sing for him?”
I hadn’t realised the power of the voice, but she knew.

My voice found him immediately! It filled with his unique Light — tones singing for him where he had forgotten who he was and how much he wanted to be on Earth.

He came back to his little body! Life force returned.

– It dawned on me that I had sung his Life Tones

That’s how LifeTones play us. They sing for us where we’re stuck and have forgotten, or where we’re curious and ready to open up for a new adventure.
Soothing, tickling, knocking on the door (heart!)—so our uniqueness can shine on the path to clarity, joy & lightness!

Simple LifeTones. Nothing complicated at all

A bridge to the Heart


A part of Vide’s LifeTones found their way into a song. Here with lutes by Daniel Fredriksson:

”There and then I saw what the life-song did! It reached something beyond our physical world. Beyond emotions in the body. Beyond the grip of thoughts and mind”


/Moa Koskelainen, Vide’s Mom


”LifeTones goes to the depth of your being to resonate OUT all that is not aligned with your highest expression of self/ highest truth, and allows it to release, while strengthening and calling IN all that is your highest life!”

/ Dr. Kim D’Eramo, founder of American Institute for Mind-Body Medicine

Dr. Kim D'Eramo

Download LifeTones in the Shop

Welcome to arrive Here & Now
Breathe, soften. A hand on your heart: what’s your inspiration in this moment?

Great Mother Love


Great Mother Love
invites you through a vibrant soundscape of LifeTones to the Source of Pure Love – unconditionally open for you!
(13 min mp3)

Listen to a taster or buy in the Shop »

Birth. Guided LifeTones Journey


guides you to be birthed anew – from The Tone of Creation to the miracle you are here & now, through a wonder-infused LifeTones soundscape
(9 min mp3)

Listen to a taster or buy in the Shop »

LifeTones of Twinflower {Self-guided journey)


LifeTones of Twinflower
reminds you to remember your own beauty and power, through the wisdom of the playful Twinflower/Linnéa/Linnée Booréale!

Experience at your own pace »

Free Gift:
The treasures in your Heart

Receive a free series of LifeTones – playful voice alchemy to:

  1. Open your heart
  2. Receive a message
  3. Experience the magic in your life here & now
Få en serie med Livstoner

Experience wonders with LifeTones of the Flowers

What messages do the flowers have for you?

I hear the innate intelligence of the flowers singing – all the way from the stars. The LifeTones of the Flowers!
Let them embrace and awaken you, through my voice to your heart

Explore your unique flower messages »


Expand with Your Unique LifeTones

Do you wish to remember your whole self?

Expansive, multidimensional upgrade to enjoy the gift of being you! From the source of your Light to your body and reality here on Earth.

Read more and apply here » 

Halo Brännatjärn

“My life was like an electric cord lying on the ground near an outlet but not plugged in. Listening to the LifeTones made me feel like it was plugged in – it was an electric full body and soul experience that transcended words and brought cleansing tears of release and renewal. I felt like my body had calibrated to the new frequency when the tones finished.
I have never experienced anything like it and I am so grateful. Listening to LifeTones is a magical experience”


/ Elizabeth Pinney Hall, Intuitive eating coach, Connecticut


Everyone should have this on their phone!

/ Marianne

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