Twinflower is here to communicate & play with us!

Is this a bit like you?

– You are curious to discover new facets of yourself and nature.

– You are ready to open up and listen with your heart – outside the box.

– You wish to open up for the spirits of nature and seeing beyond.

Anna & pine

Hi, I’m Anna!

I met Twinflower/Linnéa in a deep pine forest in the high north of Sweden. It was very initimate. My heart was singing as they joyfully, in their vibrant delicacy, let me into their magical realm. That’s the moment when I hear their Music. I get still to tune in to their magnificent Essence. What wants to be communicated?

The veils become transparent and my voice does what it’s wired for: expressing the energies through LifeTones & LightSounds – light encoded frequencies transmitting the flowers’ vibrant “message”.

I hit RECORD. That’s how me and the flowers co-create the LifeTones videos & audios that I’m about to share with you! (I always carry my camera and handy recorder!).

High-vibe recordings that make us remember what’s innate in us – and maybe also laugh, giggle, cry, jump, sing, dance – and more!

Through resonance they activate the corresponding frequencies of light in you. Flower wisdom in an easily accessible format.

Twinflower carries a unique message for each one of us, with the power to:

  • awaken something within you that’s unique for you
  • show you the way to your own inner magic
  • open the bridge of miracles between the realm of the flowers and your physical reality

“Anna gives me access to a world I don’t have the sensitivity to experience on my own. A connection to the essence of life itself.
It has given me peace and reconnected me to The Great Love”

/ Moa Koskelainen, Sweden

What’s Twinflowers’ message for you?

A journey with LifeTones

Invitation to the self-paced journey LifeTones of Twinflower:

Is this journey for you?

A self-paced experience for you when you

  • are curious to discover new facets of yourself and nature, and to deepen the connection
  • wish to upgrade and harmonise your system through resonance of flower frequencies carried by playful & powerful sounds
  • are ready to open up for magic & miracles and listen with your heart – outside the box

Maybe you’re already close to nature and wish to deepen your connection. To open for the spirits of nature and seeing beyond.

This is for you if you wish to rest in an allowing, loving space where you can be who you are – where you’re at – so the Tone of Creation can touch you, even deeper, and expand through you, as you… to a soundtrack of FlowerTones that’s both activating and harmonising.

No previous experience required, only your YES to listen and meet the flower & yourself!

Twinflower is here to communicate & play with us!
To wake us up!

They have a message that’s unique for you,
something that only you can receive, decode and be in the world.

The message is their touching something deep in you
reminding you of the wonder & magic of life and of your connection with nature & everything around you
– so that it can awaken, deepen and be lived.

For you to experience even more of the wonder & beauty of Life!

The journey guides you through:

~ Activation ~
~ Connection ~
~ Integration ~



It is built around four pillars:


The messages of Twinflower come in five short LifeTone videos & audios (1-4 minutes). There will be LightSounds as well – a language of the Heart with high frequency soundcodes.


You receive two powerful audios with guided meditations in a magical LifeTones soundscape: Birth and Welcoming Your Flower Power.


Three prerecorded live soundbath audios to activate & assist you through the phases of Activation, Connection & Integration.


Join our blossoming private community for everyone who received LifeTones of the Flowers. A sacred space to share, receive and get together. Occasionally I do live calls with soundbaths in the group so we can connect live!

All flowers & soundbaths are downloadable so you can have them on your phone!
Most of the content was recorded when this journey was live.
All content is in English.


“Through the energies of the flowers, the softness combined with the power, I could acknowledge the same within myself.”

/ Anna Maria Isis Johansson, Sweden

A taster

This is my welcome message for you on the inside! You may watch it to ask your heart if this journey is for you:


  • 4 Twinflower LifeTones & LightSounds videos + audios (1.30 – 4 min)
  • 1 Twinflower LifeTones & LightSounds audio (4 min)
  • 3 prerecorded live soundbath audios (23-30 min), assisting your through the phases of INTEGRATION, CONNECTION & ACTIVATION. Each soundbath has a 10 minute introduction to guide you through the phase
  • 1 guided LifeTones soundscape wonder-filled journey: BIRTH (audio 10 min)
  • A few short videos where I assist you
  • Community & assistance in our private FB-group (with live calls and soundbaths occasionally)

Plus possibility to book 1:1 sound session with me (online or in person) with 15% discount (valid 2 months after registration).


Let Twinflower touch and awaken something new in you in this self-paced, vibrant flower journey with LifeTones, LightSounds, soundbaths & light codes!

INVESTMENT:  1250 sek


“Seeing myself in the flower – the delicate that has the power to gracefully withstand hard weather – has filled me with more and more joy for each flower toning! And at the end the wonderful completion with a sense of deep peace. Peace with all that is.”

/ Gunnel Holm Knuutinen

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