Through this soundbath we’re opening up for CONNECTION
Your unique Heart Connection. The connection with the Flower of your Heart.
You and Twinflower. Twinflower and you. And all of Creation.
Introduction to the Connection Soundbath
Some lovely topics came up before the soundbath: neutrality, harmony and our uniqueness when it comes to how we receive and where we are at in the cycle of creation!
And now after this excerpt from the live call, over to the sounds:
Connection Soundbath (Audio)
When you listen, you might want to move or be still. If your voice wants to make sounds, you can simply let it do so without trying to pursue it (/det är inget att sträva efter/).
Play with receiving, allowing and being in the flow of the energies

After listening
As your system calibrates and integrates these sound codes, I invite you to give yourself some extra care. Stay hydrated//se till att du dricker tillräckligt, det assisterar flödet//, allow both movement & stillness, maybe have some extra showers or baths etc. What does your body enjoy right now? Ask and allow yourself to be guided.
During the days to come, you might want to take a few extra pauses during the day to connect a little deeper to your Heart. Just allow your awareness to go to your heart area – and to the Flower of your Heart. Rest there and breathe with this connection for a few moments. All you have to do is to be present to your experience, whatever it’s like right now! Maybe you want to play with seeing with the eyes of the Heart, as we did during the soundbath.
And you are so welcome to share your experiences with us in the FB-group! It’s so beautiful to hear and read all the different flowers that we are – together we make the whole.