Join me to Celebrate & be Inspired!

Welcome to play with a Miracle Recipe: to celebrate what is – and be inspired with the NEW!

A sound alchemy experience with two components:

First, allow the sounds from gongs and crystal instruments to open your heart with the playful & powerful question:

What wants to be celebrated in your life right now?

We let the sounds celebrate what’s here now – and we join with our breaths and toning together if your voice wants to.

Second, we let ourselves be inspired with the New: the yet unseen, from the pure potential of possibilities:

What’s ready to infuse you through the portal of the high vibes that the sounds and tones transmit & activate in you?

This is such a vibrant, fun and expansive play to play together!


A Sound Alchemy Experience

I will play and bathe us all in high vibrational LifeTones, LightSounds & vibrations from gongs, alchemy crystal bowls, crystal harp, monochord, and other MIRACULATION instruments.

We will listen, share, tone with our own voices, express, rest and receive.

You’re invited to let your own breath/unique voice celebrate and be an expression of inspirations & new frequencies moving through you. So we’ll co-create a vibrating space together!


New online group autumn 2024

We’ll gather online first Sunday in each month, Sept-Dec 2024

@ 6 PM CET (kl 18-19.30 Swedish time) / Noon Eastern time / 8-9.30 AM Pacific time

Recorded if you can’t make it live and to play with as much as you feel to!


Let’s watch our hearts open for miracles and our lives be a celebration!


YES, I’m joining the Miracle Recipe Play to
Celebrate & Be Inspired!

Join the core group for the rest of the year: 80 USD/800 SEK
(Oct 6, Nov 3, Dec 1)

Join only next Celebration: 30 USD/300 SEK

You will get an email with the link before the celebration (and the recording after each soundbath)


ELLER SWISHA din summa till 123-4757969 så är du med!

    -See you soon!

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