Experiences of Playing with the Flower Audios

Some vibrant inspirations how people have been playing with the flowers! From the live version of the Twinflower journey.

What’s your way of playing with Twinflower? We’d love to hear in the FB-group!

Video from the live Twinflower journey

Some inspirations from previous participants:

  • When you are in a demanding environment Pop on your headphones, listen to Twinflower and allow their playful energy to infuse all of the space, including your body, mind & energy (example from a normally stressing situation in Stockholm City)
  • Clean and clear your space with Twinflower. Play them our loud through speakers in a room, a closet, a drawer, your car, your office etc. Some participants even played them in the fridge!
  • Finding a new home. Ask Twinflower to show you what it’s like to be Home and in harmony with the environment
  • Accessing Compassion & Love in your day-to-day life. Ask Twinflower to show you!
  • Cutting through the veils. Call upon Twinflower to be your sword or broom if you get stuck in a relation with someone
  • Etc etc – ask Twinflower how they want to assist and play in your daily life!

Some words from previous participants’ Twinflower play

Shared with permission. Thank you all for your beautiful contribution!

“Som en sopkvast är Linneans ljud. Tar mig tillbaks till mitt VARA. Sopar bort allt överflödigt mentalt. Bort med tankestrukturer som tar uppmärksamheten och kraften från helheten. Sopar rent och återupprättar kontakten, som funnits där hela tiden men som jag glömt att jag har tillgång till. Tack kära städare Linnea – jag vill gärna vara fri. Som du. Vi är. Mm”

“The sounds of Twinflower is like a broom. Taking me back to my BEING. Sweeping away all mental access. Away with thought patterns stealing awareness and power from the whole. Sweeping clean and reestablish the connection, that was there all allong but I had forgotten I could access. Thank you dear cleaner Twinflower – I want to be free. Like you. We are. Mm”

“Jag har Linnéa 4 med mig i öronen på tunnelbanan. Det känns underbart att ha sällskap av blommorna även ute i vimlet. Påminner mig att jag får vara hela mig även när jag är i stökiga miljöer. Får fortsätta att ha hjärtat mjukt öppet och lekfullt. Tjoho!
Jaaa! Sen när jag kom till tågcentralen Sthlm kändes det som att Linnéan var jublande glad att få dränka hela Stockholms centralstation med sitt väsen – stolthet, glädje, lek och oändliga kraft.Lyfte upp allt i lätthet. ‘Inga problem alls för mig att vara kvar i mig själv’ sjöng hon ut och jag riktigt upplevde hur fascinerad hon var över rulltrappor, arkitekturen alla människor och intryck. Jublande möte!”

“Twinflower 4 is with me in my ears in the subway. It feels wonderful to be accompanied by the flowers even out in the crowd. Reminds me that I’m allowed to be all of me even in messy settings. To keep the heart soft and open and playful. Wohoo!
Yesss! Later, when I got to city it felt like Twinflower was rejoicing to soak all of Stockholm Central Station with its essence – pride, joy, play and infinite power. All lifted into lightness. ‘No problem at all to stay in me as me’ she was singing out loud and I could feel her fascination with moving staircases, architecture all people and impressions. Exultant encounter!”

“Linnean är mitt heliga svärd – bara det att det är inget svärd utan en blomma. Gör ju hela skillnaden. Men lika mäktigt. Linnean kan VARA med allt.
Jag blev så arg på min son härom dagen, kände nästan hat. Kändes som att Linnean var med och gjorde att jag vågade känna hela känslan utan att kärleken var hotad. Det var häftigt. Hon höjde taket för vad som kunde vara ok”

“Twinflower is my sacred sword – only it is no sword but a flower. Makes all the difference. But still as powerful. Twinflower can BE with all that is.
I got so angry with my son, almost felt it as hatred. Twinflower was there and gave me the courage to feel all that was there, without the love being threatened. It was amazing. She raised the limit for what was ok”

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