Your Twinflower Gifts
It’s time for completion – even if you’re still playing with your Twinflowers!
I invite you to take a moment to allow your gifts from this journey to come to your awareness – and to receive them! (Even if you might think you didn’t do it right, it’s already here for you)
And since we’re playing with high frequencies here, know that your gifts might take some time for your system to decode. So just make space for this integration process, let the limited mind step out of the way by putting a hand on your heart. Breathe. Give the commands to the innate intelligence of your heart & entire system to take care of the gifts, known or unknown.
This way, your gifts will even more fluidly show in your day-to-day life!
And please don’t wait for the “perfect moment” , why not give it space right now? (or mark another time in your calendar)
So, what do you take away so far, from meeting Twinflower? You might want to journal, sing or make sounds, scribble, paint or dance.
You’re super welcome to share your experience/expression in the FB-group! It’ll assist you with the integration, and you don’t know who else it will be a gift for <3
Private Assistance
If you’d like to play with me 1:1, to go deeper/higher or receive my assistance with words, LifeTones & sound alchemy for something you’re moving through or opening up for, I’m right here! Just let me know, and you’ll receive 15% flower discount/blomsterrabatt within 2 months from your registration for this journey Book 1:1 session here with coupon TWINFLOWER15 for the discount (or send me a note if there are no available times in the calendar, or if you want to chat and see if it’s for you)
Twinflower Is with You, Side by Side
Even though this is the last module in this bouquet, Twinflower is always with you. Now and forever, heart to heart.
You can come back to listen and watch the videos whenever you feel it. Maybe you want to have a Twinflower audio on the phone as a handy reminder of your connection. To come back into alignment, to get a joy boost, to open your percetion/receiving, to clear your space – or however Twinflower is showing up for you to assist and play in different situations!
Twinflower is delighted to be in your life. I invite you to keep listening for their whispers and being open for their invitations for you. To keep nurturing your unique connection!
It’s been such a joy to share this bouquet with you! And a great honour to be a bridge between you and Twinflower.
Until we meet again, from the depths of my heart, thank you for being here!
May you enjoy the magic of your ever expanding blossoming heart, today and always!
(Anna toning with Mjölkört/Fireweed/Épilobe – that’s another journey!)